Secured2 101: Getting quantum safe doesn’t mean changing everything.

As we talk to businesses around the world about getting quantum safe with Secured2, one question seems to come up often; “does getting quantum safe mean changing all of our existing security vendors that we have taken years to assess, validate and deploy?” The simple answer is “NO!”

What makes Secured2 so easy to use is we are a ‘fast data processing’ technology that makes your data quantum safe before it goes into the existing security you are currently using like transport layer encryption and encryption at rest. Think of what you do today as another layer of protection on top of what Secured2 provides. Our patented security paradigm is based on the physical separation of data, non-sequential transmission, and randomized distribution of data at rest. Any data protected with Secured2 is protected beyond encryption while at the same time meeting today’s existing encryption standards built upon off-the-shelf encryption.

In a lot of ways we built a security platform that fits inside the platform you are currently using today. Best of all we can easily deploy our solution without a major restructuring of your current environment. Should you choose to just use Secured2 without your existing solutions you can but for many customers they like having both. We give you that flexibility.

Secured2 has also made implementing our security very easy through the development of our universal application interface (API). Through our simplified API solution we can quickly and effectively add our security to your application, cloud platform or deliver our security through our own suite of cloud applications called the Secured2 Toolkit. We provide customers leading edge hybrid work solutions with the assurance of our groundbreaking quantum safe security and cyber indemnification warranty.

Despite many of the unknowns, the fact is quantum computing has changed the security industry overnight and a huge threat to you & your business. The good news is there is a solution TODAY, one that is vetted, tested, in market, installed with customers and providing the first quantum safe security. Check Secured2 out today:

Secured2 101: Getting quantum safe doesn’t mean changing everything.