Secured2’s mission has always been to secure the world’s information and bring back digital privacy. There is no question that TRUST is critical to realizing our vision, as well as for our business and we work tirelessly to earn it every day with our customers.

We promote often our quantum computing safe security technology that we have been integrating into our partners Google, Microsoft, and AWS. Most know us as a ‘data security’ company and what you may not know is we are also working on other things like data compression and data transfer speeds (moving big data fast). Two critical elements that we believe fit into our ability to drive optimal user experiences in the products and services we build.

One key area we have focused on with our first product with Microsoft is solving the attachment size problem in email. Today, if you are a user of Office365 you will know that there is a file size limitation with attachments of up to 150mb. Anything larger simply will not go through. If you want to attach a very large file you need to use OneDrive, Dropbox or some other platform to move the larger file which is cumbersome, and not user friendly.

What if there was a better way and a way built right into Office365?


We are excited to share that Secured2 has quickly become the best and easiest way to send very large files via email. All you need to do is get our Outlook addin here and follow these three easy steps:

Step 1: Once installed you can launch our email security app by clicking on the S2 icon in your toolbar. It will look like this!

Step 2: By clicking on the blue S2 Button you will launch our email security app in Outlook email. To protect the email simply click the following: New Email > Enter Email address of recipient in the ‘To’ section of the email > Enter a Subject for the email > Compose an email > then click the beyond encryption button in the ribbon area > click secure email from the Secured2 addin > then attach file(s) from the Secured2 addin. Note, there are no attachment size limitations but if you are sending a larger file it will take a little time to upload especially if it’s a very large file.

Step 3: Click on the email send button to send the email to the appropriate part. It’s that simple!

Secured2’s decision to build a data transfer tool inside Outlook began out of frustration, but the utility was born on our principles of simplicity, security that we apply across marketplaces & industries. It’s our belief that security, interoperability and portability of data in today’s world is paramount. This exciting tool hits on all those core values.


So what are some use cases for this tool and how are customers leveraging it today?

  • A user is making a video, has converted the video into a large file and would like to share the video with a number of different people. With Secured2 all this user would need to do is compose an email like normal, launch our addin, secure the email, attach the file and then hit send. It’s that easy! Then the recipient would get a custom email form in their email, and within two clicks they can quickly download the attachment and start playing the video.
  • A user in a healthcare company wants to send large medical images in email and have them sign an important financial form for insurance. The combination of our industry leading beyond encryption and quantum safe email will protect the email and attachment. So all the healthcare company email send would do is compose the email, secure it, add the file and then hit send to the patient. The patient gets the files, they review, sign the form and send back via Secured2 securely to the healthcare company. Secured2 facilitates a send end-to-end tunnel between the email sender and the email recipient that can go both ways. Once again providing beyond encryption and quantum safe security of the email and attachment.
  • A financial representative wants to send multiple large PowerPoint files to a customer and the customer is on a low bandwidth area. In this use case the financial representative will compose an email, launch Secured2, secure the email, attach the PowerPoints and hit send. The customer would get the email, unlock and quickly download the files, even on a low bandwidth connection due to our exciting compression.
  • A sales person is wanting to send large images of a project to a customer and the files exceed the file size limitations of Outlook. The sales person would simply compose an email, launch Secured2, protect the file and attach the images. Both the email and images are compressed, secured and sent to the customer for instant approvals.

The innovative approach Secured2 has taken of beyond encryption, quantum safe security with industry leading compression allows us to not only protect emails but also ensure the sending of protected large files in the same application interface. Giving customers an optimal experience.

It’s important to note that Secured2 doesn’t provide email or file deletion automation. So if a customer wants to delete the files they would need to simply delete the email. Secured2 will keep an archival copy of the email for backup but after a year we will purge the emails unless otherwise specified by the customer.


The Secured2 solution is designed so it can fit inside today’s most widely used email tool in the planet Office365, Outlook and Exchange. Although, we have added new layers of security and protection that make your emails & attachments protected beyond encryption. We will adopt and enable the standards you are using today. So in a lot of ways you can think of Secured2 as a security solution that can fit inside of today’s security solution. We ‘quantum proof’ today’s encrypted systems so you don’t have to throw away your existing security investments. As well, we exceed all known accreditation related to security, privacy and storage.


Secured2 supports MAC OS, Windows 10, and Linux based distros. As well, the Secured2 solution is about to release it’s much anticipated Particle Mail Version 2.0 that will support mobile on iPhone, Android or Windows devices.


Security and Privacy is central to the Secured2 offering. Because there are multiple parties involved in the data transfer (the user, Secured2, and a storage provider – Google, Microsoft or AWS), many have asked who assumes the liability of a data breach? Since all data in our solution is ‘protected’ by Secured2, the entire end-to-end solution is guaranteed by Secured2 and also backed by a cyber security indemnification warranty that covers each user with up to $1M of cyber liability coverage. There is a cap up to $5M per company with other optional coverages available. Secured2 is so confident in our security that we indemnify our customers against a data breach.

We continue to expand our offerings and as you can see our email product is more than just sending quantum safe and beyond encryption communications. We have the best file transfer tool in the business and best of all it’s built right into the email application you use every day!

The most secure and easiest way to send massive files to anyone.